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Alignment & Adjustments | Scott & Taylor Rieckens
Episode 403

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Scott and Taylor Rickins return to discuss their continued journey towards financial independence, reflecting on the surprising shifts in priorities that have taken place over the past five years. They share their experiences of creating happiness lists, which aligned their values and led to a newfound appreciation for intentional living. The conversation delves into the challenges they faced during their transition and the lessons learned about community, relationships, and the impact of external circumstances such as COVID-19. The couple emphasizes the importance of making adjustments based on their evolving desires and goals, noting how their perspective on money has transformed into a broader understanding of fulfillment and quality of life.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Notes

Episode Title: Update on Financial Independence Journey with Scott and Taylor Rickins

Episode Summary:
Scott and Taylor Rickins join Brad Barrett to provide an update on their journey toward financial independence (FI) since the release of the documentary Playing with Fire. They discuss the transformative power of aligning their values with their actions, showcasing the significance of prioritizing happiness over money.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction of Guests

    • Brad Barrett welcomes Scott and Taylor Rickins.
  • Creating Happiness Lists

    • Scott shares an influential exercise where they listed ten things that make them happy, guiding their life decisions.
  • Realignment and Values

    • The realization that FI isn't solely about money, but rather about aligning life with personal values.
    • Key Quote: "FI transformed our lives, emphasizing values over money."
  • Impact on Their Relationship

    • The journey forced them to deepen their understanding of each other and grow closer as a couple.
  • Living Amidst Change

    • Their community journey, including intentional decisions to align with like-minded friends.
  • Building Community

    • Importance of surrounding themselves with supportive friends and neighbors.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Identify Your Happiness: Create a list of ten things that make you happy and align your life around them .
  • Prioritize Community: Intentionally surround yourself with people who share similar values .
  • Embrace Negotiation: Remember that "everything is negotiable" and consider your happiness in all transactions .

Chapter Markers

  • Introduction of Guests
  • Creating Happiness Lists
  • Realignment and Values
  • Living Amidst Change
  • Building Community


  • How has the FI journey affected your relationship?
    It has led to a deeper understanding and greater intentionality toward each other's needs .

  • What is the significance of the happiness list?
    It helped identify and clarify their values, guiding their life decisions .

  • What community practices have you implemented?
    They focused on surrounding themselves with like-minded friends and neighbors .


This episode emphasizes that financial independence is not merely a monetary goal but a holistic approach to creating a fulfilling life centered around personal values and happiness.

Join the community of ChooseFI listeners and embark on your journey toward financial independence today!

The Path to Financial Independence: A Journey Toward Happiness

Achieving financial independence (FI) goes beyond just accumulating wealth; it is fundamentally about creating a fulfilling life aligned with your values. In this article, we will explore how intentional living, community building, and prioritizing happiness can guide you on your journey to FI. Let’s dive into actionable insights and strategies that you can implement in your own life for lasting happiness and contentment.

Understanding Financial Independence

Financial independence means having enough personal wealth to live without the need for a traditional job. However, the concept transcends financial freedom—it is about cultivating a lifestyle that aligns with what truly matters to you. Achieving FI offers the opportunity to make intentional choices about how you spend your time, focusing on what brings you joy.

The Happiness List: A Tool for Intentional Living

One impactful exercise for defining your happiness is creating a happiness list. Identify ten activities or elements that make you genuinely happy. Consider things like spending time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, or simply enjoying nature. Writing this list helps you clarify your values, allowing you to align your life decisions accordingly.

  1. Identify Ten Things That Make You Happy: Sit down and reflect on what truly brings you joy.
  2. Make Life Decisions Based on Your List: Use this list as a filter for your daily choices—whether it's career moves, spending habits, or leisure activities.

This exercise has proven transformative for many, as it emphasizes that happiness often comes from intrinsic values rather than external wealth.

Breaking Free from the Hamster Wheel

Many individuals find themselves trapped in the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, often prioritizing material possessions over true happiness. The key to breaking this cycle is shifting your mindset from one that seeks validation through income to one focused on values and fulfillment.

  • Recognize Your Current Cycle: Take stock of your financial habits and how they influence your happiness.
  • Make Intentional Shifts: Focus on spending your resources on experiences and relationships that contribute positively to your well-being.

Financial independence is about liberating yourself from stressors tied to money and finding peace in simplicity and intentionality.

Embracing Community

Building a supportive community is essential on your FI journey. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your values can enhance your experience and provide encouragement during challenging times.

  1. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded Friends: Seek connections that resonate with your values and lifestyle.
  2. Engage in Community Activities: Participate in local events or volunteer efforts to foster deeper relationships and strengthen ties.

As you build your community, you’ll find that these relationships not only provide emotional support but also enrich your life in ways that money cannot.

The Power of Negotiation

When it comes to your career and lifestyle choices, remember that everything is negotiable. Whether it’s requesting remote work options or seeking a raise, don’t shy away from asking for what you need to enhance your happiness.

  • Practice Open Communication: Speak with your employer about your needs, making a case for why certain arrangements would make you a more fulfilled employee.
  • Believe in Your Worth: Understand that expressing your needs is a significant part of personal growth and is essential for your fulfillment.

Intentionality in Children's Activities

As parents, it is crucial to prioritize your children’s activities based on their enjoyment rather than the pressure of performance. Focus on nurturing their interests while maintaining a balance in scheduling.

  • Ask What Brings Joy to Your Children: Encourage them to explore activities without the stress of competition or societal expectations.
  • Choose Quality Over Quantity: Limit overscheduling to ensure that family time remains valuable and enjoyable.

Evaluating Your Current Community

Regularly assess your community and the relationships within it. Surrounding yourself with people who uplift and inspire you enables a healthier lifestyle aligned with your financial independence goals.

  • Assess the Value of Friendships: Determine which relationships positively contribute to your happiness and consider letting go of those that drain your energy.
  • Be Intentional About Your Interactions: Establish relationships that foster mutual support and growth.


Your journey toward financial independence is as much about cultivating happiness as it is about accumulating wealth. Engage in intentional living, build a supportive community, and prioritize your values above material pursuits. By focusing on what genuinely brings you joy, embracing negotiation, and creating meaningful connections, you pave the way for a fulfilling life.

As you embark on or continue your own journey toward FI, remember that happiness is an ongoing pursuit. Align your decisions, engage with your community, and most importantly, never lose sight of what makes you truly happy. Take the first step today by creating your happiness list and reflecting on how it shapes your choices. Your path to happiness and financial independence starts now.

In this episode: balancing deprivation and happiness, making adjustments, everything is negotiable, the evolution of alignment, adjusted awareness, and intentionality in the community.

Five years ago, Scott and Taylor Rieckens publicly began their path to FI by creating the fantastic documentary "Playing With FIRE." The documentary depicts their life as they start out and navigate the early stages of their FI journey, which is often the period of time when we act our most frugal, cut as many expenses as possible, and in turn save as much as we possibly can! While this kind of lifestyle is a great jumping-off point early in the FI journey, oftentimes people find this lifestyle to be limiting and ultimately detrimental to their own happiness. Now that Scott and Taylor are significantly further down the path compared to the last time we heard from them, we decided to have them return to the show to discuss the adjustments they have made in their lifestyle in order to live in a manner that fully aligns with their idea of a happy life! Remember, FI isn't supposed to limit your ability to be happy, rather it exists to enhance your life and help you find fulfillment as progress down the road less traveled.

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Scott and Taylor Rieckens:


  • 1:59 - Introduction
  • 2:38 - What Makes You The Most Happy?
  • 8:41 - The Evolution of Alignment and Adjusted Awareness
  • 18:30 - The Craziest 36 Months
  • 23:13 - Revisiting What's Important After Evolution
  • 35:05 - Balancing Deprivation and Happiness
  • 37:58 - Making Adjustments
  • 43:03 - Decisions Are Based On The Information You Have
  • 49:57 - Wonderful Evolutions and Learning Together
  • 51:23 - Everything is Negotiable
  • 57:02 - Everybody is the Star of Their Own Movie / Intentionality in Community
  • 66:34 - Conclusion

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode: